Friday, May 22, 2009

Old Wives Tales

If you're not familiar with at least one "old wives tale" (OWT) regarding pregnancy, in my experience, you're an anomaly. Nearly everyone who has let their belief about the sex of Baby Beck (BB) be known, references one of these best guess statements as rationale for the predicted outcome of the little bean.

It is with this (what I'll call) "intelligence" from each of the folks who have "called" the sex of the baby (maybe including you...) that I thought I'd do a bit of informing... and at the end of the day, you can still make your guess based on what's physically going on with BB.

OWT: If you prefer sleeping on your left side, it's a boy. Right side? It's a girl.
  • I used to LOVE sleeping on my left side, but could sleep in nearly any position comfortably. Now, on my back is most comfortable (but that's not a healthy choice for the baby at this point, because of the pressure it puts on the inferior vena cava - a large vein that transports blood back to the heart from the feet and legs)... and I have been having difficulty with sleeping on my left side.
OWT: If you gain weight in the face, a girl's in your future.
  • You be the judge.
OWT: Extreme nausea = girl.

  • I was nauseated.... but not extremely.
OWT: Hands dry? Buy blue. Soft? Buy pink.

  • No change in softness of hands.
OWT: If skin breaks out, it's a little lady

  • I've definitely fallen victim to the zit monster.
OWT: If you feel graceful during pregnancy, it's a Jane. Clumsy, it's a John.
  • While I'm not pulling out my 4"+ heels anymore, I'm still in heels nearly every day. (Hey... give me a break... I can't give up everything during pregnancy!)

OWT: Craving salt? He-Man. Want the sweets? She-Ra.

  • For me, it has really depended on the day. I haven't had cravings per se. I crave milk, cottage cheese, occasionally a crunchy dill pickle and occasionally sweet red watermelon. Sorry... no real help here.
OWT: Carrying the baby low = macho man. Carrying high = little lady.
  • Swing LOW, sweet chariot.
Carrying out front indicates a Mickey; carrying around the middle indicates a Minnie.

  • So far, it's mostly in the front, though my waist is completely gone, so it seems to be widening its stance as we enter week 30. In fact, as BB grows, I'm feeling pushes/kicks/flips on opposite sides of the bump at the same time. Seeing and feeling the movement is a really delightful thing. It makes me feel the urge to talk to my stomach in a silly voice at a moment's notice.
OWT: If you dream about having a girl, you'll end up with a boy... and vice versa.
  • My only dream about actually giving birth thus far was to a boy (but he was at least the size of a 1-year-old with a full head of hair... and he could talk).

And finally... for those motivated by chance environmental indicators...

OWT: If you dangle a ring on a chain over the bump and it swings back and forth, it's an F; if it moves in a circular motion, it's an M.

  • We did this and it started by slightly going back and forth... then, it seemed to swirl with the motion of the earth. So, it's a toss up. I think we need someone else (not the daddy or mommy) to dangle the ring. That way, it's at least partially unbiased.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is pretty clear what you're having Roxi, an intersex baby!
