Thursday, February 4, 2010

Resolutions, Schmesolutions.

February 4, 2010 You know how people get all motivated with that "no one can stop me," "I'm better than I've ever been," "look who's gonna conquer the world now" attitude around January first? I know it as resolution season. And I don't subscribe to its power, it's motivational prowess or its luster.

Now, I'm not being a negative nelly... just honest. Call me "realistic Roxi" or "matter-of-fact mama." I resolved many years ago... decades in fact (Omigosh... I've been around for DECADES?!) that my sole resolution was to not make resolutions.

Now, just because I'm not keen on the idea o
f making a statement about "always and forever, never shall I break this commitment," doesn't mean I don't have ideas about things I want to achieve. It's just that I don't think the turn of the year is the only time to start anew with goals, dreams and activities.

It is with this in mind that I embark on a new goal. I am going to do my best, among the banana-devouring sessions, cranky teething episodes, adorable giggle-fests, trying-to-find-time-to-get-the-mail-opened-during-the-week weeks and many more nothing-but-baby-moments, to capture images of our life... mostly of our Calista Bean. My hope is that, over time, it becomes more habit than forced goal.

So, here's the inaugural short-but-sweet post to start a trend of many to come.
Looking at this shot, I think of growth. Yes, the obvious is apparent. But I'm talking growth in skills. Calista now has impressive sitting skills and is exploring her world with such vigor. Her cognitive growth is entertaining. Whether helping turn the pages of her Silly Sally book, excitedly cooing at and reaching for her monkey, Hoodwink, or feeding herself mum-mum treats, each new skill sets the stage for so many more to come. Daddy is most excited for future soccer lessons, I'm looking forward to long runs, summers in the pool, craft projects and teaching her to write her name... to name a few.

Here's to growth... for all of us.


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