Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blood - good news and weird news.


I received a call today from "Debbie" at the blood lab. My second round of blood tests (or "donations" as I like to refer to them, given the amount of blood they took) came back "normal" which is the best result you can wish for. As well, the dual screening (where they test the first and second blood sets together) was also normal.

Even if either of these had been abnormal, the likely advice would have been to stay calm because the incidence of false positives for these tests (which are looking for abnormalities in genetics) is very high.


Speaking of blood tests, I refered to having "donated blood" because of all the vials were drawn. Did you know that in the first trimester, pregnant women increase the amount of blood in their body by up to 50%? Talk about a Dracula magnet!

Contrary to known medical evidence (which states that the blood contains vital nourishment and oxygen that will be pumped through the placenta to the growing fetus)... I'm pretty sure it's because the body just knows a deficiency will be caused of because of all the testing, poking and prodding it will endure. Just a hunch.

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