Thursday, March 26, 2009


Our 20-week ultrasound is tomorrow, so we're pretty psyched to see the little one. At our 12-week ultrasound, the little bean was very active... that is, after it woke up.

It started out tucked under my left hip. The ultrasound technician had me cough and walk around to get it to reposition. When I returned, it was completely under my right hip. I didn't realize I had room for a "free-range" baby, but obviously that was the case. After a couple more coughs and some shimming, the critter was on the move.

It kicked, it punched, it did "the worm" while on it's back.

A side... You know what I mean when I say "the worm"... right? Certainly you've been at weddings where your crazy cousin or rowdy neighbor or some friend of the bride turns their body into a wave-making-machine. If not, check out this video and prepare to be enlightened. Nope... I don't know "Uncle Pete," just found him roaming the Web.)

Back to 12 weeks.... the little break-dancer also felt the need to show off and did a sommersault! No joke! We saw the back of the head, then the back, and then the little feet. A-ma-zing. But how in the world did I NOT feel it? I guess since it was just 2 inches long and just a few ounces, I shouldn't be surprised. Still... it was simply surreal to think the little bugger was doing all that and had it not been on the moniter, I would have completely missed out.

Watch for comparison pictures after tomorrow!

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